We are a reputed business house working in the field of environment in North India since 1999. To achieve mission of the organization “Preventing pollution with purpose- Bringing profit and goodwill in equal measure” we aim at that our customers achieve effective compliance with legislation including a better public image and earn from waste.

LABORATORY SERVICES DIVISION is known for excellence in monitoring and analysis of environmental parameters. ENVIRONMENT SERVICES DIVISION undertakes various activities as- Environmental Impact Assessment/Environmental Clearances; Environmental Audits;  Pollution Control Systems Engineering & Design Services; Performance Evaluation of Pollution Control Systems; Benchmarking and Environment due diligence Consent Management/Feasibility Reports for various pollution control Boards including, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, Chandigarh, J&K, UP, Uttarakhand, Delhi etc.

We are accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL (TC-7477)), Department of Science & Technology, Government of India (Certificate No. TC 7477) in the field of water, wastewater, air and noise testing as well as Biological & Mechanical testing (Building construction materials, steel etc.). It is also accredited by QCI-NABET vide Certificate No. NABET/EIA/1720/IA0032 dated 11th April, 2018 and re-accreditated vide Certificate No NABET/EIA/1720/SA095 dated 01.10.2019.We are also approved by Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India, vide SO 2609(E) dated 22.11.11, renewed vide F.No. Q-15018/14/2016-CPW dated 02.08.17 as Environmental Laboratory under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.  We are also approved by Punjab Pollution Control board vide Letter No. Lab/32-23639 dated 06.08.2018. The unit is also ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9000:2015, ISO 18001:2007 certified. 

We operate from an independent 10,000 square feet built-up area on three levels each in Mohali, Punjab (India). A dedicated team of Fifty engineers, scientists along with the support staff qualified in areas as environment, civil, electrical, mechanical, chemical engineering, biotechnology, chemistry and microbiology oversees the various activities.

Our sister concern Eco Paryavaran Engineers and Consultants Private Limited is a 9001: 2008 organization, that provides engineering and turnkey solutions for pollution control and recycling including- Sewage Treatment Plants/Effluent Treatment Plants; Ultra Filtration-RO Combination Systems for Effluent recycling; Wastewater Treatment Equipments & Components- Aeration Systems; Disinfection systems-Ozone/UV based; Sludge Handling Systems-Filter Press/Bags; Air Pollution Control Systems; Noise Attenuation; Solid Waste Management Systems.

We undertake capacity building programs through NGO- Environment Matters, registered under Societies Registration Act.

The aim is to try to provide a one-stop arrangement on various environmental issues 

We are  QCI NABET Accreditation No. – NABET/EIA/1720/SA095 dated 01.10.2019)  (In-house Lab., NABL (TC-7477) Accreditation No. – TC-7477 dated 22.06.2018

Consultancy Services offered:

  • Environment Impact Assessment
  • Environment Clearance
  • Feasibility Reports.
  • Consent Management as per Guidelines of State Pollution Control Board.
  • Environmental Audits
  • Six Monthly Compliance Reporting
  • Pollution Control Design Services
  • Performance Evaluation of Pollution Control Systems
  • Consultancy From Central Ground Water Authority

Improve your business profitability and environmental performance.

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